2nd International Conference on Systems Medicine

Wednesday November 7, 2018 from 9:00 AM to Friday November 9, 2018 6:00 PM
Data Science

About the event

The 2nd International Conference on Systems Medicine entitled “Big Data & transition to practice” will take place in Utrecht, the Netherlands on November 7th-9th 2018. The program is going to cover exciting and useful topics, both for scientists and clinicians with renowned speakers from all over the world. Abstracts will be published in the journal of Systems Medicine and the best abstracts will be selected for oral presentations.

The abstract submission and early bird registration deadlines are extended to Saturday, 15th September.

Poster prize
The EASyM Poster Prize (250 Euros) will be awarded to the best poster exhibited at the conference.

Endorsement by industry and the national health care funding agency
The conference has been awarded with an educational grant by Celgene and a grant by ZonMw, the Dutch funding agency for health research and health care innovation. In addition, the conference is sponsored by major pharma companies such as Pfizer, BMS and Roche.

CME Accreditation
An application has been made to the EACCME® for CME accreditation of this event.

Important dates
Early Bird Registration Deadline 15th September 2018
Abstracts can be submitted until 15th September 2018


Data Science

Data Science is an interdisciplinary field that uses a variety of techniques to create value based on extracting knowledge and insights from available data. The successful and responsible application of these methods highly depends on a good understanding of the application domain, taking into account ethics, business models, and human behavior.