innoXchange lunch session: thematic community building – an example

Thursday June 27, 2024 from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM
Light Assembly (Matrix, first floor)
Free (including lunch)

Building a sustainable community where students, researchers and partners from industry and public organizations can openly discuss challenges and work on solutions requires continuous adaption of the approach. There is no proven way to do it, so in the spirit of 'boldly going where no-one has gone before', we are finding our way for the theme of Lighting together with students in various courses, Team IGNITE, researchers from the Intelligent Lighting Institute and our vast network of companies and municipalities. We share our steps and learnings, and hope to ignite a vibrant discussion on community building practices. 


Elke den Ouden is TU/e Fellow in the Innovation, Technology Entrepreneurship & Marketing group of IE&IS, and connected to the Intelligent Lighting Institute, where she is responsible for building and supporting a community of students with an interest in Lighting. She is ambassador of TU/e innovation Space and involved in many courses as challenge owner, providing access to the network of researchers and businesses in the lighting domain. She is mentor of Team IGNITE. She is also working on the theme ‘Future of Festivals’ to build a community of students and researchers with an interested in a broader collaboration with festivals beyond lighting.

Please register via the button above!


TU/e innovation Space

TU/e innovation Space is a community that facilitates & supports interdisciplinary hands-on education, engineering design and entrepreneurship.