WISE Annual Event 2023: “Social Interactions in Science / Opening Conversations” (30.10.2023)

Monday October 30, 2023 from 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium

On behalf of the Board of the WISE Network, I cordially invite you to its Annual Event on Monday, October 30, 2023.

Social interactions play a crucial role in our everyday work life, from a casual coffee catch-up to a Q&A session following a presentation. Feeling secured, confident and being clearly understood is essential in such interactions. However, expressing ourselves effectively in professional environments can sometimes be challenging. While professional skills seminars often focus on improving communication efficiency, there is a lack of emphasis on dealing with inappropriate comments and biased perspectives. How much are we aware of the importance of communicating the personal boundaries and establishing what is acceptable? It is time to bring kind, respectful and equitable social interactions on the stage.

Two speakers, Erika Darics and Wyke Stommel will hold a scientific point of view on the equitable communications.

The tailormade, theater play from Lomans & de Roy will show relatable situations that have to do with crossing and setting boundaries at the TU/e. With humor and respect, the actors create awareness and open up the discussion on how to have a conversation around boundaries. In this interactive play you don’t have to go on stage yourself but will be invited to interact with each other. And from the safety of your own chair, you can direct the actors and see how your instructions work out in practice.


More information about the program, the speakers, their talks and the interactive theater play can be found here.

The WISE Annual Event is open to all TU/e staff and our partner organizations.

If you don't want to miss this event, join us and register by using the QR code or the registration Form.

We look forward to welcoming you!


On behalf of the WISE Board,

Evelyn Douw
Secretary WISE-Network
E-mail: wise-network@tue.nl

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Women in Science - Eindhoven (WISE) Network

WISE network is a network for female scientific staff at TU/e. Supported by the University Board, the network was founded in March 2007.