Art & Technology

Totem Game Dev

Totem Game Dev is a community based student team for video game development

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Our vision is to help students gain insight into the video game industry and gain practical experience. 


Our mission is to create a space where students can explore their passion and connect with like-minded people. 

We are Totem Game Dev (formerly known as TU/e Game Dev), the first student team at the TU/e that focuses on game development! Our goal is to connect people from the TU/e and other universities that are interested in game development together. We strive to build a community where game developers can meet like-minded people and learn new skills.
Throughout the year, we also organize multiple events like Game Jams (like hackatons), workshops, Game Development Teams and guest lectures to name a few. If you have a passion for video games and video game development be sure to join our Discord today!

Contact us

  • GameDev

  • Postal address

    PO Box 513
    5600MB Eindhoven
    the Netherlands
  • Visiting address

    Traverse 1.44
    Building number 37
    5612 AZ Eindhoven
    the Netherlands

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