Symposium program

Triple Oratie Symposium - ‘Pathways to innovative STEM education’ 


12:30-13:15 Lunch

13:30-15:00 Three parallel tracks on:

  1. Educational Career Paths in Universities: Frameworks and Implementations. [English speaking session]
    Moderator: Dr. Marieke Thurlings, Assistant Professor Eindhoven School of Education, TU/e

    Academic Pathways Focusing on Excellent Education
    Dr. Ruth Graham, independent Higher Education consultant
    Ruth Graham will introduce the educational career framework that is now used worldwide to help set out educational careers in universities. The teaching culture survey, also applied at TU/e, is monitoring progress worldwide. She is gathering best practices of these new pathways and she will give us a sneak preview.

    Education Oriented Career Paths at TU Eindhoven
    Prof.dr. Mark Bentum, Radio Astronomy professor and Dean of Electrical Engineering at TU/e
    Recently TU Eindhoven introduced new options for academic staff to opt for a more education oriented career step. Mark Bentum will indicate the TU/e strategic value of this new policy, while also highlighting reasons why academics could opt for such a step, linking this to his own personal experiences.
  2. Innovations in STEM Higher Education [English speaking session]
    Moderator: Dr. Lesley de Putter, Assistant Professor Eindhoven School of Education, TU/e

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Teacher Education
    Dr. Lesley de Putter, Assistant Professor, APSE-Eindhoven School of Education, TU/e
    Lesley currently leads a research project on the use of AI in teacher education programmes across the 4TU alliance. She will present results from the four institutes and discuss how the use of AI is being integrated in higher education as well as secondary school classrooms.

    Challenge-based Learning in the Innovation Space Bachelor End Project (ISBEP)
    Dr. Peter Ruijten-Dodoiu, Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Science, TU/e
    Peter leads and coordinates the ISBEP project at Innovation Space delivered through Challenge-based learning. He will share his experience on this innovation and the impact of it in developing future engineers.
  3. Voortgezet onderwijs: Rijkdom aan ontwikkelingen in het bèta-onderwijs [Dutch spoken session – Nederlandstalige sessie]
    Moderator: Dr. Gonny Schellings, Assistant Professor Eindhoven School of Education, TU/e

    Ontwikkelingen in het bèta-onderwijs in vogelvlucht
    Dr. ir. Ralph Meulenbroeks, Universitair hoofddocent Universiteit Utrecht
    Ralph neemt de deelnemers in vogelvlucht mee in ontwikkelingen op het gebied van wetenschappelijke geletterdheid, sociaal-wetenschappelijke vraagstukken en gaat in op de manier waarop deze thema’s samenkomen binnen het schoolvak Natuur Leven en Technologie (NLT).

    Verworvenheden van 20 jaar Technasiumonderwijs
    Mr. drs. Claire Arts, Rector Eckartcollege Eindhoven
    Het Eckartcollege biedt vanaf het begin Technasiumonderwijs aan. Belangrijk onderdeel is dat leerlingen in teams aan vraagstukken werken van echte opdrachtgevers en via onderzoek en ontwerp oplossingen bedenken en vormgeven die ze aan de opdrachtgevers presenteren. Claire laat samen met leerlingen zien wat innovatief bèta-onderwijs te bieden heeft.

15:00-16:00 Coffee break and networking

16:00-17:00 Inaugural lecture


*Parallel sessions include presentations and discussions.