Membrane lectures

Lecture Kitty Nijmeijer Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Natuurkunde Diligentia

On invitation of the Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Natuurkunde Diligentia Kitty Nijmeijer presented her lecture entitled ‘Membranes for a sustainable future ‘no time to waste’ in The Hague on Monday February 20, 2023.

During this lecture she will discuss how we can tailor the structure, morphology and functionality of membranes to control the separation performance such that such membranes can be used in the separation of rest streams for reuse.

The talk can be found on

TU/e Podcast Kitty Nijmeijer

The TU/e podcast series “Sound of Science” features discussions with TU/e researchers as they talk about their latest research and how their work might contribute to addressing some of the critical issues facing our society. In Episode 23 Kitty Nijmeijer talks about membranes and their application in wastewater treatment, the recovery of valuable nutrients from manure, drinking water production, CO2 capture and the generation and storage of energy.

This Podcast is online available to download from several podcast providers:

TEDx talk prof. Kitty Nijmeijer: Useful from useless

With our current way of living we need much more resources than our planet can provide. We produce tremendous amounts of waste. We use, consume and dispose. This needs to change for the future of our children and grandchildren. Waste is a resource that we can use again. In this talk, Prof. Kitty Nijmeijer will show you how we can reuse our waste to produce for example fuels, plastics and chemicals in a sustainable way.

The talk can be found at:

TEDx talk Prof. Kitty Nijmeijer: ‘Membranes can provide everyone with clean water for everyone’

Every single minute, two people die because they do not have access to clean water. That means that in the 10 minutes that you watch this video, 20 people will die. But we can change this: We can provide everyone on this planet with clean water! In this TEDx talk, Professor Kitty Nijmeijer demonstrates how we can use membranes to transform a glass of dirty water into a glass of delicious, fresh drinking water. Clean water for everyone is not a dream, with membranes it can be reality!

To watch the TEDx talk:

University of the Netherlands
Prof. Kitty Nijmeijer, head of the research group Membrane Materials and Processes, was invited lecturer at the online scientific program broadcast by the ‘University of the Netherlands’ (De Universiteit van Nederland), where she presented 5 lectures on membrane science and technology accessible for a broad audience. The University of the Netherlands is an online platform where 'the best professors of the Netherlands’ present their research. After broadcasting on the national TV, the lectures are freely available on the internet via the site of the “Universiteit van Nederland” or via YouTube .

Lectures in Dutch:
College 1: Hoe maak je een membraan
College 2: Nierdialyse
College 3: Waterzuivering
College 4: Drinkwater uit elektriciteitscentrales
College 5: Energie uit zee- en rivierwater

Lectures in English:
Lecture 1: How do I make a membrane?
Lecture 2: Membranes for kidney dialysis
Lecture 3: Membranes for water purification
Lecture 4: Water from power plants
Lecture 5: Energy from seawater and river water

More low threshold information about membranes and dissemination activities of Kitty are available via the links below:

Mini-lecture on polymer membrane preparation and applications
In English:
In Dutch:

Dutch national television (in Dutch)
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