Hailin Zheng is a postdoc researcher in the field of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), dedicated to aligning the design and operation of existing and new buildings with the Healthy Building movement. His multidisciplinary work includes architectural design, building monitoring technologies, building physics, and building services, with a special interest in educational, commercial, and residential buildings.

During his doctoral work, Zheng specialized in indoor air quality, including the aspects of the wireless and real-time environmental sensor monitoring technologies, inhaled air quality, ventilation performance, and key indoor chemical pollutants, specifically volatile organic compounds. His unique contribution lies in his attention to the youngest and most vulnerable members of society – infants and toddlers in daycare centers – offering valuable insights into creating safer, healthier indoor environments for this sensitive demographic.

Where breath meets space, value is born: our building design solutions weave the quality of indoor environments and life, always with the end-user at heart.

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