Doctoral Candidate

Ricardo dos Santos Alferes Filho


Ricardo Alferes is a PhD candidate in the Building Materials Group, in the Department of the Built Environment of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His research is focused on Additive Manufacturing of Functional Materials on Demand.


Ricardo started his research in concrete technology in an Undergraduate Research Project during his Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering in 2011, in the University of Sergipe (Aracaju, Brazil) where he studied the use of fines in self-compacting concrete and supplementary cementitious materials. In 2016 he obtained his MSc degree in Civil Engineering in the University of São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil). His research was focused on steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete. Later, he joined UNICID – Universidade Cidade de São Paulo – (São Paulo, Brazil) as a lecturer, teaching classes related to concrete and building materials. Since 2020, he is a PhD candidate in Eindhoven University of Technology working with 3D printed concrete.

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