Personal Impact Program - Team Dynamics

Friday April 22, 2022 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
inno space


Teamwork makes the dream work! This is a credo of the upcoming workshop for innoSpace teams' members!

Together with Jef van den Hout we will dive into the world of flow and put new skills into practice. Are you curious how the team flow & burnout prevention coach of the Solar Team Eindhoven can help you and your team develop further? Then make sure to be there!

This workshop is part of a trajectory designed for team members of student projects, teams & start-ups in TU/e innovation Space: the Personal Impact Program! During the program, you will develop yourself and prepare for your professional career. The skills you learn should help you to function optimally in a student team/start-up and to get the most out of your time in the team. The workshops are targeted at all team members to ensure that all team members are trained as all-around engineers with a broad set of skills.