The education after the Bachelor’s degree program within TU/e has been shaped in the TU/e Graduate School.
The Graduate School comprises 15 graduate programs, all of which are focused on one specific research domain.
A graduate program has one or more Master’s degree programs.
Within each Master’s degree program of Eindhoven University of Technology you can introduce sustainability elements. After this there are possibilities within the same domain to follow a technical design engineer’s program or a doctorate path.
Sustainable Master Degree Examples
There are many routes you can take when it comes to doing your Masters related to Sustainability at TU/e.
One option you have is to specialize and follow a complete Master’s program fully focused on sustainability, for instance Sustainable Energy Technology or Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion.
For other options, you can also check out the website of Technology for Global Develoment (TGD) for an overview of sustainability elements you can add to your master's degree.
Another great example is the Master's Track Sustainability Transitions course. Here, you have a unique opportunity to study how change can be shaped at the intersection between high-tech, innovation and sustainability. For more information, watch the video below.
TU/e offers two-year (post-Master) Design Engineer’s programs resulting in a Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng degree). These programs come under the flag of the 3TU.School for Technological Design, Stan Ackermans Institute.
Within most PDEng programs attention is devoted to sustainability. For the PDEng program Smart Energy Buildings and Cities Sustainability is the point of departure. It focuses on Smart Energy systems for the built environment.
Also check out the website of TGD for possibilities.