ECTS points
Education type
Bachelor program
Three years
Bachelor of Science


lectrical Engineering plays a role in everything that involves electricity and magnetism. For instance, in the development and control of electric motors for electric and hybrid cars, but also in designing the latest wireless chips for mobile phones. Electrical Engineering is crucial in almost all modern technology.

For instance, at TU/e, we are working on wireless energy transfer. What could this hold for the future? Imagine: your phone battery or tablet will always be fully charged, no need for a charger. Or how about placing a lamp anywhere you want, because you don't need to plug it in anymore!

Electrical Engineering at TU/e: Building the future

Electrical Engineering builds the future and this is reflected in how the field is applied. Therefore, the program focuses on three societal themes, introduced to you in the first year:

  • Communication (The Connected World): think of a chip that works on light signals instead of electrical signals, bluetooth or wifi.
  • Healthcare (Care and Cure): medical applications such as an MRI scanner or killing cancer cells with electromagnetic waves.
  • Environment (Smart and Sustainable Society): solutions for sustainable energy, such as finding an answer to the question of electricity storage.

The Electrical Engineering program at TU/e is the biggest in the Netherlands. Still, Electrical Engineering remains a relatively small-scale program in a stimulating study environment, where you can build up a good relationship with your teachers and fellow students. In addition to a good and diverse international network, the department also maintains close ties with many eminent technical companies and research institutions in Brainport Region Eindhoven. Therefore, there are many part-time professors, inspiring guest lectures, internships and excursions that give your study program that little bit extra. Thor, the study association of the department of Electrical Engineering, facilitates many fun activities for in your free time.

Why electrical engineering?

Why should you enroll for this program?

Who are you?

Are you mostly interested in scientific subjects? Do you have a curious mind, observe the world and see where it can improve? Do you want to go off the beaten track, are you ambitious and inspired by what your efforts could contribute to a positive change in the daily lives of many people? Then Electrical Engineering is the one for you!

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Study association Thor

The study association Thor promotes the interests of the students at the faculty of Electrical Engineering. On the one hand, their goal is to show you your specialization from a different angle. For instance through excursions, seminars, symposia and a study trip. At the same time, the study association is there to strengthen the bond between the members. They organize weekly drinks, sports tournaments, parties and field trips. Thor also organizes a large part of the introduction week for first-year electrical engineering and automotive students.

For more information, go to the website of the study association Thor.

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This program is NVAO-accredited. In the Netherlands, the NVAO assesses the internal quality assurance of universities and colleges and the quality of their programs.