Master Innovation Management - track Leadership & Organizing Innovation

Lonneke Lardinois

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Lonneke Lardinois

Team dynamics are absolutely fascinating to me, and in this master’s degree program you learn all about that. I’m especially interested in the combination of that with management of product development. Can good teams bring about better products? For my master’s thesis, I researched the difference of gender and career stage on employee satisfaction, motivation and performance – to better map these differences and get a clearer view of the organizational career barriers people face.

The main reason I chose TU/e is for their excellent degree programs. But I’ve also come to enjoy the entrepreneurial spirit of my fellow students. Working together with other people who really want to build something is important to me. Of course, Eindhoven also offers many extracurricular opportunities, from culture to sports and everything in between. Personally, I’ve made great friends at the student hockey association. Eindhoven is part of the Brainport region, which has significant benefits for TU/e students because of the wealth of interesting companies in the area. In the future, I can see myself working in IT change management or project management – anywhere I can work with entrepreneurial people to build something greater together.