Confidential Advisors and Ombuds

The TU/e has appointed both internal and external confidential advisors for undesirable behavior and irregularities. They help students and employees who consider to report an irregularity, and where applicable to advise on further steps to be taken. They can also provide follow-up support if required.

The confidential advisors can also assist people accused of causing a problem, however we prefer to refer them to external confidential advisors for support.

Internal confidential advisors for undesirable behavior and irregularities:

C.J.J. (Carlo) van der Meer, MA
Working days: Monday-Thursday
Phone: 040 247 3909

Dr. ir. Hjalmar H.C.J. Mulders
Working days: Monday through Friday 
Phone: 040 247 4509

Ir. H.A.M. (Henny) van Alphen
Working days: Monday through Friday 
Phone: 040 247 4097

External confidential advisor for undesirable behavior and irregularities: 

Aad Schoenmakers
Phone number: 06 46052901

Regina Nieboer
Phone number: 06 23707026

The TU/e also offers the possibility to report anonymously. More information can be found on the intranet.

Ombuds for staff

TU/e has appointed an Ombuds for staff who contributes to a safe working environment and to the learning ability of the organization, by advising on the basis of reports and/or serious signals about (structural) bottlenecks in procedures and regulations. 

The Ombuds for staff acts independently and impartially and has no relationship of authority in this function. The Ombudsman for staff is a confidential contact point for employees who experience bottlenecks and/or wish to report abuses.

Ombuds for students

Please find more information about the ombuds for students on the TU/e Education Guide.

Complaint committees and procedures

Please find the complaints committee and procedure for irregularities on the page Organizational integrity.

Please find the complaints committee and procedure for scientific integrity on the page Scientific integrity.

Please find the code of conduct and complaints procedure for undesirable behavior on the page Codes and regulations and Complaints procedures.