Safety @TU/e: Instruction videos

General information

To inform students, employees, guests and third parties who are present on the TU / e campus about issues related to health, safety and the environment, a number of short safety videos are made available on this page. These are Engish spoken and subtitled!

Members of the TU/e community are expected to be familiar with the content of the information provided here and to follow the rules discussed.

TU/e: Basic information with regard to Occupational Health, Safety & Environment

In the instructional videos below, a number of general topics are discussed that are important for you to know in order to work safely on the TU/e campus.

In case of questions about the content, contact the department of Occupational Health, Safety, Environment & Radiation Protection (AMVS).

TU/e: Complaints Arms Neck & Shoulders (CANS)

The videos below provide information related to Complaints, Arms, Neck & Shoulders (CANS) as a result of VDU work.

The videos address:

  • Correctly setting up a computer workstation (also at home)
  • How complaints arise
  • How to recognize these
  • Where to go for help
  • What you can do to prevent or relieve symptoms

For the latter, a separate video has been recorded with a number of exercises that you can do at your desk.

The videos form a whole. So view them all and in the given order!

  1. CANS: Offices
  2. CANS: Roadshow
  3. CANS: Exercises

Videos 2 and 3 can also be viewed consecutively via this link.

TU/e: Working safely in chemical laboratories

The videos below provide information related to working safely in a chemical laboratory.

They discuss:

  • Rules of conduct
  • Recognizing the risks of dangerous substances
  • Personal protection
  • Do & Don'ts in a laboratory

The videos form a whole. So view them all and in the given order!

  1. Intro
  2. What you need to know first
  3. Rules of conduct in the lab
  4. Personal protection
  5. Let's get to work
  6. Risks from chemicals
  7. Must do's and don'ts
  8. More information

Via this link you can also watch the video's back to back.

TU/e: Special Occupational Health & Safety Themes

Below you will find videos related to a number of special Occupational Health & Safety themes: