
Department Board

The board of our department consists of a departmental dean, a vice-dean and a managing director. The director education and a student assessor are permanent advisers to the board.

The departmental board is the competent authority of the department. It is responsible for the operational and policy matters relating to the budget and staff policy.

Department council

Our department council is the department's co-determination body. The members discuss the general state of affairs within the department with the departmental board, produce proposals and make viewpoints heard. The departmental council may make use of a number of statutory rights.

Program Management

Applied Mathematics  
Dr. Andrea Fuster Interim program director of the bachelor Applied Mathematics, and the master Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Computer Science and Engineering  
Dr. Bas Luttik Program director of the bachelor Computer Science and Engineering, the master Computer Science and Engineering, and the master Embedded Systems
Data Science  
Dr. Joaquin Vanschoren Program director of the joint bachelor Data Science
Dr. Dirk Fahland Program director of the master Data Science and Artificial Intelligence