Research Area High Tech Systems

Interviews and blogs

Our researchers and other colleagues do important work for high tech systems. Read the blogpost of Ton Peijnenburg, the articles of some of our PhD students and other interviews.

In the Spotlight

Necessarily, we first need to have a complete understanding of the software before we can maintain it

Researcher in the Spotlight: Kousar Aslam

My goal is to demonstrate the feasibility of high-speed sub-nanometer accuracy positioning systems using piezo-electric actuators.

Researcher in the Spotlight: Clarisse Pétua Bosman Barros

Plasma assisted contamination control for ultra-clean vacuum systems

Researcher in the Spotlight: Boy van Minderhout

Better software quality means safer and more reliable systems. Good examples are MRI scanners and self-driving vehicles

Researcher in the Spotlight: Thomas Neele

My research is about advancing Cognitive Robotics for Flexible Agro-Food Technology.

Researcher in the Spotlight: Jordy Senden

Advanced identification and control of thermal systems

Researcher in the Spotlight: Enzo Evers

I identify and control position-dependent mechanical systems

Researcher in the Spotlight: Robin de Rozario

Linear reluctance motor with advanced power electronics converter

Researcher in the Spotlight: Lie Wang

My research focuses on the resin layer deposition process of the vat photopolymerization additive manufacturing technique

Researcher in the Spotlight: Andrei Kozhevnikov

I use particle-based numerical methods to simulate dilute gas systems and determine their thermal behavior.

Researcher in the Spotlight: Bijan Goshayeshi

We approach the concept of eating food from a Mechanical Engineering point of view, believing that this will largely improve the methods of designing food

Researcher in the Spotlight: Nicky Jonkers

Synthesizing controllers

Researcher in the Spotlight: Ferdie Reijnen

I look for active means of transport for contaminations at low pressures.

Researcher in the Spotlight: Ralf Reinartz

Design, realization and testing of an in-vacuum substrate handling robot

Researcher in the Spotlight: Rick Baade

Together we hope to provide a robust and holistic solution to the problem of developing safe autonomous robots

Researcher in the Spotlight: Rishi Mohan

My work uses vat photopolymerization to enable the additive manufacturing of large-area ceramics.

Researcher in the Spotlight: Steyn Westbeek

Model order reduction for parameter-varying systems

Researcher in the Spotlight: Xingang Cao

I’m working on Next Generation Model Reduction Techniques for Complex Systems.

Researcher in the Spotlight: Daming Lou

I’m doing research on the charging of microparticles in a spatial plasma afterglow

Researcher in the Spotlight: Judith van Huijstee

The influence of hygro-thermal behavior

Researcher in the Spotlight: Amritam Das

...the thermally-induced deformation of components will be a major hurdle in the years to come.

Researcher in the Spotlight: Ruben Merks

Song Guo the first MSD EngD graduate with Cum Laude

Researcher in the Spotlight: Son Guo

I’m developing novel closed-loop control systems for additive manufacturing

Researcher in the Spotlight: Thomas Hafkamp

I try to improve the mechanical structure of an interventional X-ray system

Researcher in the Spotlight: Jeffrey van Pinxteren

My PhD concerns the production planning and control of poultry processing plants.

Researcher in the Spotlight: Kay Peeters

Repetitive and learning motion control in printing systems

Researcher in the Spotlight: Lennart Blanken

Linear reluctance motor with a soft magnetic track

Researcher in the Spotlight: Samuil Aleksandrov

I want to make the transition to Industry 4.0 easier for factories

Researcher in the Spotlight: Jeroen Didden

I focus on the timing analysis of component-based software systems.

Researcher in the Spotlight: Ruben Jonk

understanding of wear mechanisms and wear particle formation on silicon wafers in lithography modules

Researcher in the Spotlight: Sven Sperling

Deformations of the wafer play a crucial role in the overall performance of the lithography tool

Researcher in the Spotlight: David van den Hurk

My research will help make the step towards multi-material food printing.

Researcher in the Spotlight: Dolf Klomp


The National Growth Fund gloves are (almost) off!

Gregor van Baars, TU/e, TNO

How can EAISI and HTSC increase collaboration with companies and other universities?

Hala Elrofai, TU/e EAISI

I have spent all of my career working with companies building high-tech equipment, basically application-driven fundamental research.

Tom Oomen - Professor Control Systems

At the university, we train students for an engineering future at companies. VDL is one of these.

Luuk Berkelaar and Marc Geers, ACCESS

Great opportunities lie in the synergy between high-tech systems and AI

Nathan van de Wouw, TU/e

Ultimately, we must use this strong regional network to facilitate the research and development of high-tech systems.

Hein Otto Folkerts, Head of Research at ASML, on the board of HTSC

Who’s your customer and what’s their problem? If you can’t answer these questions, it’ll be hard to convince people to invest

Edwin de Zeeuw, DFPI

Collaboration as one of the engines driving innovation

Jeannette Lankhaar, Industrial Resident HTSC

You need connections to share knowledge, start research and benefit together. It doesn’t make sense to repeat things

Zohreh Jafari, Microbial Contamination Control

If Plan B still has to be researched when it’s needed, you’re a bit too late.

Gregor van Baars and Hans Butler, advanced piezo-electric wafer stage project

If you can share, you can multiply. If you can’t share, you cannot grow.

Patrick Anderson and Roeland Brugman, DFPI and AMSYSTEMS BV


Rob Willekers and Rogier Verberk, NOMI collaboration

More than a ‘just’ a Master’s: PDEng MSD and Eindhoven Engine

Ton Peijnenburg and Katja Pahnke, TU/e High Tech Systems Center

Looking at the universe is almost the same as looking at atoms. It requires enormous accuracy.

Henk Nijmeijer and Hamed Sadeghian, NOMI

Systems thinking a highly valuable skill in the region

Ton Peijnenburg and Katja Pahnke, TU/e High Tech Systems Center

How can we make the cake bigger instead of dividing the cake?

John Blankendaal, managing director Brainport Industries

I always had the ambition to start a company. I just like to create things.

Tim Wilschut, co-founder Ratio Computer Aided Systems Engineering B.V.

IIoT: great opportunity for Brainport and the Netherlands

Georgo Angelis and Tycho Sonnemans, TU/e High Tech Systems Center

You have to realize that food is a really complex system to work with

Ben Langelaan, research manager Food Technology group Wageningen Food & Biobased Research

The fieldlab has access to the kind of knowledge and expertise that can help get the solutions to market more quickly.

Anton Aulbers and Frits Feenstra, MultiM3D Fieldlab of AMSYSTEMS Center

Things that can give you that bit extra that companies are looking for these days

Tim Verdonschot, EngD-student Mechatronic Systems Design

Although, in the early years, the focus was solely on research, we are now also taking on a teaching role

Katja Pahnke, director High Tech Systems Center

We need to significantly improve the way we deliver engineering services

Marc Hamilton, Fellow High Tech Systems Center

We have to be thankful to Marco Polo who brought the engineering back to Europe from China centuries ago

Han Vogel, RWS and Tim Wilschut, TU/e PhD

We need a certain critical mass to create the products of the future

Guustaaf Savenije, CEO of VDL-ETG

You can call me optimistic but that is indeed what I am, an optimist

Gerard Beenker, retired, Innovation Lab