Atlas living lab

Why the Atlas Living Lab?

Research and development of intelligent technologies and services for health, wellbeing and sustainability is an integral part of the TU/e and European research agenda. To tackle the challenges in these fields, researchers increasingly look into intelligent and networked technologies that are embedded in our built environment. The long-term patterns of use and the effects on people, for example on health, wellbeing, social interaction and energy use, can best be researched meaningfully in the real, live world. The Atlas building offers a unique environment for research, with its large scale, its focus on sustainability, its place in the TU/e community, and its intelligent lighting infrastructure.

For the description of the infrastructure of the Atlas living lab look here


The goal is to make the Atlas Living Lab into a best practice for indoor Living Labs, that respects the interests of its residents and offers researchers and students new possibilities to tackle their research and development challenges. Results of the work in this Atlas Living Lab should contribute to making the Atlas Building and other office buildings safer, more comfortable, healthier and more energy-efficient.

Who can make use of the Atlas living lab?

Any group at TU/e can apply to do research in the Atlas Living Lab. All research projects will require a full proposal that need to be approved by the ethical committee, and other relevant parties. Contact the labcoordinator at for information on the possibilities.

Privacy and use policy

Running a living lab in the Atlas building requires careful attention to privacy and other rights of the building users. We have created a Data Use Policy in close discussion with building users and representative bodies such as the Faculty Counsels ID and IE&IS and the University Counsel. The result is a detailed Data Use Policy that has been approved by the University Board and University Counsel in Februari 2019. You can download it here: Atlas Living Lab Data Use Policy 

A more general, and easier to read, document describing our approach to privacy and the ambitions of the Living Lab can be found in our Guiding Principles document, available here: Atlas Living Lab Guiding Principles.


Contact the Atlas Living Lab coordinator Nikolina Molnar