GLOW 2021 at TU/e

This anniversary year, TU/e converted its campus into one of the main GLOW areas in the city of Eindhoven. The Intelligent Lighting Institute took on the challenge to create a collection of light artworks that breathe the innovative character of the university. 

Early 2021, we devised an initial plan based on the theme Transformation by Light. This theme fitted naturally with the rich variation of research and education around light at TU/e. It refered to research on how light influences health and wellbeing, how light changes perception of the environment, how light makes people move, how light changes objects into information and how light is turned into energy.

Who made this happen?

  • 80 students from 8 different departments worked on the light artworks 
  • 71 students participated in GLOW-related courses
  • 87 students participated with their study- or student association
  • 7 TU/e research groups and institutes
  • 15 students of Fontys University of Applied Sciences 
  • Support of several TU/e service departments

Ground plan TU/e campus

An overview of the TU/e GLOW projects on Campus


Eye of Atlas

How do we see? How does light contribute to sight? Humanity has researched these questions for millennia, and the answers have continuously changed. In Ancient Greece, nearly 2500 years ago, Empedocles answered this question as follows: We see through sending a special kind of light, “Visual Fire”, out of our eyes.

GEM stage

The 21-meter high GEM-Stage is a real eye-catcher due to its height and its colourful appearance. The GEM-Stage supplies 100% sustainable energy for performances at festivals and events. The energy of the GEM-Stage is generated by the wind turbine, the solar panels, the LSC panels and the hydrogen generator.

Sketch your light

You probably don’t give it much thought, but the way we light up public space at night has a profound influence on how we experience and use it. But is the one-size-fits-all way we light up public space the best and most meaningful way?

Cycle of Light

The light we are exposed to during the day influences our day-night rhythm. The intensity, the spectrum, the duration, the time of day: all these factors have a positive, healthy or disruptive, unhealthy influence on our biological clock. Modern life involves exposure to large amounts of artificial light from screens and office lighting, often at the wrong time of day.


Everyone experiences growth in their life. Growing means investing time and effort into reaching your goals. By overcoming and mastering different elements in the process, you are able to keep on expanding yourself and flourish. Even though it might not always seem that the steps you are taking now contribute to your final goal, eventually it will all fall into place.

Wayfinding & Storytelling

A winding path of magical glowing mushrooms. Enchanting interaction. A unique and beautiful approach to wayfinding. That is how visitors of the Eindhoven University of Technology campus will be guided as they travel from one eye-catching installation to the next.

The Ballroom

The social cohesion between individuals in public spaces has decreased during the pandemic. Through our light artwork "Ballroom", we from team IGNITE investigate reigniting the feeling of social cohesion amongst the GLOW visitors. We invite you to experience our modern "Ballroom" situated in "de Markthal" on the TU/e campus.


What does the world look like through the eyes of technology? We increasingly use sensors as our eyes to the world. Cutting edge sensors provide us with input for our devices, for our knowledge and much more. Sensors have become essential to modern life. But at the same time, these sensors can be elusive as a black box. What do they see? When are they watching? What are they paying attention to?

Fontys: Cage of Thoughts

A strong cage to keep them out, a large cage to keep you in. A cage of metal and strength. A cage of concepts and fears. Who’s the true prisoner when you imagination holds you back? Who’s the true victim when your imagination has been repressed to fit the status quo? To lose oneself in a place of unlimited possibilities is both a blessing and a curse. Not being weighed down with the burdens of reality might leave you unable to ground yourself back down to earth. Why bother staying down to earth when all signs point to the stars? Of all the buttons on your keyboard, Space is the largest eye catcher. Enter, the cage of thought and consider; who is the real prisoner of imagination? Our design relates to the thoughts buzzing in our heads that helps us connect to humanity. Is our brain enthusiastic when people make contact? Or does is it get anxious? This artwork will be displayed on the TU/e terrain during GLOW 2021.

Studio Toer: Bouncing ideas

From Left to right, up or down. Thoughts can go any direction. The can bounce in your mind or go from one to the other. This project refers to the constant flow of ideas. It's an ode to imagination. Being able to visualise ideas, and make new connections is something that makes us human. We can imagine, get surprised and adapt. Just like the dots of light that jump around, ideas can be surprising. They bounce off objects, manoeuvre through space and create new perspectives.


Have a look at the aftermovie of  GLOW 2021 at the TU/e campus.

GLOW podcast

Listen to the GLOW podcast on Spotify.

CROWE Talent Award

With the Crowe Talent Award, GLOW Academy and Crowe Foederer (accountancy & advice) place talent in the spotlight. Together they create the opportunity for young, creative and technical talent to gain knowledge and experience.


During GLOW 2021  7 student projects on The TU/e Campus qualified for the Crowe Talent Award 2021. A professional jury, led by the current chairman of the GLOW Supervisory Board Jan Mengelers, assessed the projects. The winner, Wayfinding and Storytelling, received a cash prize and the opportunity to further develop and realise the project for the next GLOW Event. Winner of the public jury was The Ballroom.
In the preceding months all student teams worked on their projects and were supported by experts in the GLOW Academy sessions. Crowe believes it is essential that new and existing talent is given the space to discover and develop his or her qualities. Everyone should be given the opportunity to show their talents. To be able to grow and flourish. Through the GLOW Academy and the Crowe Talent Award, young talent is given the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience in certain fields of work and is supported and advised by professionals.