Bachelor College

Bachelor College

TU/e trains the engineers of the future. Tomorrow’s engineers are aware of the challenges awaiting us in the area of Sustainability. That is why TU/e strives to make this theme part of every Bachelor’s degree program, among others in the User, Society, Enterprise (USE) section of the first and second years of every Bachelor. The Bachelor College leaves you lots of freedom to select subjects that you really find interesting, which means that you can make a choice from several subjects in the field of Sustainability. In the second year you decide on a USE package. In a similar way, there will be a wide choice of Sustainability themes, such as The Future of Mobility, Quality of Life, The Secret Life of Light, or Design for a Sustainable Future.

TU/ provides a number of Bachelor’s degree programs in the area of Sustainability. Think of the Major Automotive which focuses on making cleaner cars. Are you looking for a program that will teach you everything about the introduction of sustainable technologies? TU/e offers the Major Sustainable Innovation

Elective courses
Within the Bachelor’s program you are free to devote 45 credits to elective courses. Every year there is a wide range of electives and coherent packages available. It goes without saying that in this context you can decide on a package with a special focus on sustainability. While the offer varies per year, you can think of Building Physics, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, Energy, Designing the City of Tomorrow, The liberation of light, Smart and Sustainable Society, or Smart Mobility Design.

Also check out the website of Technology for Global Develoment (TGD) for an overview of sustainability elements you can add to your TU/e Bachelor's degree program.

In addition, during your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree program you can obtain the Technology for Sustainable Development certificate.