Master Human-Technology Interaction track Human-Centered AI

Ahmed Gamal

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I started my studies in electrical engineering straight out of high school but had to take a break for mental health reasons. Starting over, after a few years, I knew I wanted to bridge design and engineering. To develop technology that supports us in our humanity – values, ethics, inclusivity, safety, and increased social embeddedness.

One project I enjoyed was creating a user interface interacting with AI. In this case, using natural language processing (NLP) to pick up likes and dislikes from user reviews of HelloFresh meals, to help improve the recipes. My hybrid process involved both the AI and human users, matching reviews to analysts from the same countries, so the nuances of the reviews were understood. This centers the human experience and respects the food cultures around the world.

I initially chose TU/e based on its rankings and connections to industry. I enjoy the quiet nature of Eindhoven compared to Cairo, where I lived previously. It’s much less crowded, which gives me peace of mind without the extra mental noise. After I graduate, I envision a career in UX design and research, for instance in the warm technologies field – to help those who are vulnerable within society. On a personal note, regardless of where you are in life and the circumstances that got you there. It’s never too late to restart your life or education.