Master Human-Technology Interaction - track Behavioral and Social Computing

Emi Kuijpers

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Human-Technology Interaction is a compelling combination of engineering and social sciences that has completely captured my interest. You learn neuroscience and psychology and apply it to technology. It teaches you how people think, and how to empathize with that in technology design, from likeable robots to mood-enhancing lighting to virtual reality architecture.  I’m very much interested in developing technologies to help people with mental disabilities. In my past projects, I’ve focused on the relationship between daylight exposure, sleep, and depressive symptoms, but also on robot interaction to get the desired effect.

Human-Technology Interaction is only available at TU/e, which is why I chose this university. What’s great about TU/e is that you can choose courses from every faculty and specialize in any field you want. The university is very technical, but also very cozy. Education is personalized, and there are many opportunities if you ask and show interest. In the future, I hope to do a PhD in Human-Technology Interaction, and then stay in academia and do research.