Department of Applied Physics

Coherence and Quantum Technology

Our central theme is dilute matter at high phase space density. Our goal is exploiting quantum coherence. Our work is both theoretical and experimental, our tools include high power lasers and compact particle accelerators, our objectives are fundamental as well as applied.

The Coherence and Quantum Technology group exploits its unique combination of cold atom, plasma and beam physics to achieve new understanding and novel applications

The research of the Coherence and Quantum Technology group focuses on collective effects in dilute, strongly interacting systems of high phase-space density: ultra-cold atoms, quantum gases and plasmas, and high-brightness electron, ion and atom beams. These strongly interacting systems have an extremely large variety in energy and length scales, ranging from high-Tc superconductors to the dense interiors of neutron stars. Understanding them is at the frontier of modern quantum physics.


Work with us!

Please check out the TU/e Vacancies page for further opportunities within our group.
On the Rydberg Atom Quantum Computing project ( we have two postdoc vacancies: postdoc in quantum algorithms (theory) and postdoc in qubit hardware (experiment). For more information contact


Our topics


We are part of a worldwide race to control the quantum states of elementary particles, and to integrate them in technology platforms. This so-called second quantum revolution will enable exponential advances in many fields of research and technology.

Meet some of our Researchers

Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute

The Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute (EHCI) brings together the world-class photonics and quantum research at TU/e to create a unique and optimal environment to enable these fields to grow synergetically. The institute´s interdisciplinary approach paves the way for collaborations to create new paradigms in computing, communication and sensing. 

The mission of the Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute is to contribute to a sustainable information society, by bringing together TU/e’s unique core strengths in photonics and quantum technology, from materials to systems. Interdisciplinary projects will bring scientists in these fields together. 

Student Opportunities

Check out all our courses

Are you a student interested in doing a BEP project or graduating in the Coherence and Quantum Technology group? There are ample traineeship opportunities for students within our group.

For more information, please contact:

Servaas Kokkelmans
Qubit building 2.002
Phone: 040-247 3357

