Our excellent research in Biomedical Engineering with clinical relevance has a great impact on healthcare and (inter)national society as a whole. The fundamental research, applied research and translation to start-ups and incubators go hand in hand. Together they create the ecosystem needed to bring fundamental research, concept development and application to the next level.

Our well-educated alumni are an important part of the impact of our department of Biomedical Engineering. With their work in industry, research institutes, educational organizations and governmental organizations all over the world, they spread the knowledge and passion that was fostered at our department.

Contributing to healthcare and society is what drives all of our staff members, and we like to share this enthusiasm with society as a whole. Giving public lectures, speaking up in press, being visible on social media, participating in tv programs and podcasts are all examples of how we aim to share the amazing research and education of Biomedical Engineering with the world.

Cooperation with industry & medical centres

Many of the research projects of this faculty are in close cooperation with various Academic Medical Centres, both inside The Netherlands and abroad (a.o. the Maastricht University). There is also a lot of company involvement, e.g. with Philips, Fujifilm, DSM and our spin-offs and start-ups.


To enhance the impact of our research on society, the department is increasingly focusing on promoting research valorization. Therefore, we follow an active policy of initiating, accommodating and supporting spin-offs companies and student teams. Within the Department of Biomedical Engineering a lot of successful spin-offs have started up in recent years (in alphabetical order):

Ambagon Therapeutics

Ambagon is discovering and developing small molecule cancer drugs that stabilize the direct interaction of oncogenic proteins with the 14-3-3 class of adaptor proteins.


To unlock immunotherapy’s full potential, BIOTRIP will focus on sophisticated immunopharmaceutical strategies for (i) vaccination, (ii) immune regulation and (iii) innate immune programming. BIOTRIP’s overarching goal is to restore ‘immune health’ in important immune-mediated diseases, including cancer, infection (e.g. COVID-19), cardiovascular disease, sepsis, and organ transplantation.

Helia Biomonitoring

Helia Biomonitoring develops sensors for continuous biomolecular monitoring. The sensors give a continuous stream of data, for real-time feedback on ...

LifeTec Group

LifeTec Group focuses on three core activities: undertaking Preclinical Contract Research, developing and facilitating Tech- & Training platforms and Acceleration of medtech innovations.


Therapeutic antibodies need to be administered by injection. Because of their relatively long serum half-life, the time interval between injections can be several weeks. The time between injections and the amount of antibody injected each time should provide the optimal dosing of the drug for the patient.

NC Biomatrix

NC Biomatrix’s innovative product is a medical therapy able to restore the natural biomechanics of the spine, alleviating the common cause of low back pain. We want to focus on restoring function instead of symptom relief and provide a non-invasive treatment option that does not cost more than current practice.


STENTiT develops the next generation in stent technology.


UPyTher’s mission is to provide custom drug delivery solutions that enable sustained localized administration of therapeutics.


Xeltis developed the world’s most advanced polymer-based platform of restorative cardiovascular devices. Xeltis’ devices naturally evolve into living blood vessels or heart valves, when colonized by patient’s own tissue.


Outreach to the general audience is an important part of valorization. Please have a look at these inspiring stories.

Or join us on Facebook


Webinar: How to become a tissue engineer?

Ever dreamed of becoming a tissue engineer? To discuss the steps towards becoming a tissue engineer and current research in the field of tissue engineering, Dr. Barry Fitzgerald sat down for an enlightening live discussion with dr. Sandra Hofmann and dr.ir. Anthal Smits.

Video: BmE research in 20 seconds

But what is it we actually do here? Three of our researchers took on the challenge to explain their research in just 20 seconds: dr. Lorenzo Albertazzi, dr.ir. Richard Lopata and dr.ir. Sandra Loerakker

Dutch only

‘We maken een digitale tweeling van de stofwisseling’

In deze rubriek van KIJK!-magazine, laat KIJK-redacteur Laurien Onderwater je kennismaken met een wetenschapper van eigen bodem. Deze keer: Natal van Riel werkt aan een versimpelde digitale tweeling van de menselijke stofwisseling.

Universiteit van Nederland: Prof.dr.dr. Patricia Dankers

(Dutch only) Hoe kan plastic jouw leven redden? Misschien vind je plastic maar een lelijk materiaal en associeer je het vooral met vervuiling. Maar na het college van chemicus Patricia Dankers (TU Eindhoven) snap je dat plastic ook jouw leven kan redden. Hoe dat kan vertelt én demonstreert Patricia in dit college!

TU/e Podcast: Science is here

Talking cells: How unraveling the secrets of biological cells could benefit farming and healthcare In this latest episode of our podcast Science is here, Maritza Rovers and Jordy van Asten talk about their research on biological cells and their adventures in science communication.

ICMS Animation studio

Since the (atomic) scale and dynamic nature of molecular systems cannot be easily captured in illustrations, the TU/e Institute for Complex Molecular Systems has initiated its Animation Studio.

KNVC Eye opener: dr.ir. Sandra Loerakker

Tissues respond to all kinds of external stimuli, if necessary they can even adapt to changing circumstances. Sandra Loerakker studies the behavior of healthy and diseased tissues and uses computer models to predict and control tissue repair.

Dutch only

Brainport podcast: AI in healthcare

Brainport Podcast over Kunstmatige Intelligentie van Tom Jessen met Maureen van Eijnatten (TU/e) en Jon Pluyter (Philips Experience Design).

Dutch only

NWO Blog Faces of Science: dr.ir. Dan Jing Wu

Jonge wetenschappers vertellen over hun leven en onderzoek. Vanuit verschillende achtergronden nemen zij je mee in de wereld van de wetenschap. Dan Jing Wu: "Ik hoop in de toekomst een 4D-geprint kloppend hart te maken met mijn onderzoek naar biomaterialen"

Dutch only

Podcast: Bewaren we straks al onze data op moleculen?

"We verzamelen steeds meer data, die allemaal ergens opgeslagen moeten worden. Maar er zijn zorgen over de hoeveelheid energie die dat kost en of er wel genoeg grondstoffen zijn om opslagapparaten te maken. Gelukkig wordt er aan een alternatief gewerkt: het opslaan van data op moleculen, zoals DNA. ... " Een podcast van Eveline Meijer van AG Connect met dr. Steven Martens van de Universiteit Gent en professor Tom de Greef van de TU/e en de Radboud Universiteit.

Are you interested in cooperation with the department of Biomedical Engineering? Please contact one of our research groups or student teams.

