Degree structure

Program structure

The two-year program consists of the following components:

  1. Core subjects within the AUDE track (15 ECTS)
  2. Electives within the AUDE track (30 ECTS)
  3. Free electives from ABP or another TU/e faculty (30 ECTS)
  4. Graduation project (45 ECTS)

More information on the subjects can be found in the Education Guide.

Track information

As can be seen in the overview of the various Chairs below, AUDE comprises a wide range of specializations and perspectives on architectural and urban design.

Information about the premaster

ABP master tracks have almost the same premaster program of 30 ECTS for students who have completed their Bachelor's degree at a Dutch university of applied sciences (‘HBO’). Specific components therein that pre-sort for the AUDE track are the Introduction Course in Architecture (2 ECTS) and the entrance project Architecture of Urbanism (10 ECTS).

Graduation project

You gain your degree within a graduation studio. You work in a group of six to 12 students in a graduation studio on an individual design project within a common theme. Every three months, a studio is offered for which you can register. More information about the graduation studio can be found in the brochure on our website.

Of course, the graduation project offers plenty of opportunities for individual fulfilment. You have all the advantages of the communal nature of the studios, which is reflected in the themes, the timeline, the supervision, your workplace and the excursions. Often, the first (research) phase is also a collective activity.

The end result of your graduation project is a spatial design of a building, ensemble or larger constellation. The scale area you cover depends on the graduation studio you have selected and the chosen theme. You will document and explain both your research and your design in a concluding thesis. You will be assessed on the basis of the so-called 3 P’s: Product (50%), Process (25%) and Presentation (25%).

For examples of graduation projects, check out our digital exhibition.


Thesis projects are directly related to the department’s research activities. As a built environment’s physical lifespan is typically longer than its economic lifespan, a key area of interest is the development of sustainable, flexible, environmentally-friendly, and safe buildings and installations. 

Your research takes place within one of the following chairs:

Research Living Cities - Built Environment