Master's track Engineering Fluid Mechanics

Xander Baartmans

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I'm passionate about playing my part in the energy transition. Throughout the study Energy technology, you explore different ways of sustainable energy production and storage. You learn a lot from real-life examples, resulting in an excellent transition into working life.

My internship and graduation were therefore the highlights of my master's journey. I analyzed the airflow dynamics in a wind farm with tilted wind turbines and used this data to optimize power output. To do this, I both conducted experiments in a wind tunnel and performed simulations. It was fascinating to compare innovative techniques like CFD methods with real life airflows that became visible with smoke particles.

My research demonstrates that by using the tilted wind turbines, higher energy yields can be achieved. If this project succeeds, we will be able to use the energy in the air more efficiently, translating to significantly cost reductions in wind energy!

What I like about TU/e is all the different opportunities possible. There is a lot of room for your personal interest. The program provides a robust technical foundation and plenty of opportunity to focus on subjects you find interesting. Furthermore, there is enough industry in the Eindhoven area to apply your knowledge, providing many opportunities in terms of collaboration with companies.

I would like to make a real contribution to the energy transition. During my current work at a start-up, I notice that a huge variety of technical questions come my way. Thanks to my academic background, I'm equipped to tackle diverse subjects with confidence, having gained a comprehensive understanding of critical areas needing attention and optimal approaches to address them.