Eindhoven University of Technology

Prof. H.J.P. Timmermans

Harry Timmermans is Professor of Urban Planning at the TU/e. Research activities of his multidisciplinary group concern the development and application of innovative models and ICT tools for urban planning and transportation. Several projects relate to innovative ICT apps, smart cities and urban transportation. He has been awarded prestigious grants,  and won many (best paper) awards with his PhD students. He  serves on many TRB and WCTR Committees, including the Public Transportation Marketing and Fare Policy committee. He has co-authored more than 500 publications in urban planning, transportation, artificial intelligence, marketing, and environmental psychology. Recently, he accepted several invitations to join national and international committees on smart cities and smart mobility.

Dr. S. Rasouli

Soora Rasouli is Associate Professor of the Urban Planning Group of the Eindhoven University of Technology. She has research interests in activity-based models of travel demand, complex systems, modeling choice and decision-making processes under uncertainty and spatial analysis. While her previous research has been concerned with the development and application of Web-based tools and services for uncertainty analysis and propagation in model chains, she is currently involved in the project related to the specification of sustainable Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and the demand forecast including uncertainty aspects . She is a member of the editorial board of Journal of Urban Planning and Development, International Journal of Transportation, and JRCS. She is junior career member of the ISCTSC Board of the International Steering Committee for Travel Survey Conferences, and member of TRB Committee (ADB10) on travel bahavior and values.  Her work has been published in journals such as Environment and Planning A, Environment and Planning B, Transportation Letters, Transportation Research Record, Networks and Spatial Economics, Travel Behavior and Society, and International Journal of Urban Science. She has acted as guest editor for Environment and Planning B, and the Journal of Choice Modelling.  She has been editor of two books: Theories and Models of Bounded Rational Choice Behavior in Transportation (Emerald) and Mobile Technologies for Activity-Travel Data Collection and Analysis (IGI Publishers).


A. Feneri (PhD)

Anna-Maria Feneri is a PhD student in the Urban Planning Group, at Eindhoven University of Technology, under the supervision of Prof. Harry Timmermans and Dr. Soora Rasouli.

Regarding her background, she holds a Diploma in Urban Planning and Spatial Development from the School of Engineering in the Aristotle University (GR) and an MSc in Environmental and Infrastructure Planning, obtained from the Faculty of Spatial Sciences in the University of Groningen (NL). During her academic research so far and previous publications, the focus was on spatial analysis, smart city development, urban quality of life, environmental planning and sustainability.

The overall focus of this co-operative project is to deliver innovative, flexible, demand-driven mobility services to the citizens. The specific PhD project will examine the demand side of such innovative mobility services by zooming into short-term aspects of travel behaviour, like the individual and household decision-making context. The goal is to extend modelling techniques and approaches in order to measure the effect of such services on the demand spectrum, thus users and travelling behavior.