Gemeente Amsterdam

Dr. B. Ubbels

Amsterdam needs to understand what moves the city to realise objectives in the field of accessibility and sustainability. Knowledge is key to support evidence-based policy making. The city considers cooperation with knowledge institutes and partners from practice very relevant to develop knowledge in the mobility domain. Participation in the SCRIPTS project is an excellent opportunity to work together with leading partners to develop knowledge about new developments in public transport. Amsterdam is very interested in the implications that integrated (multimodal) services in public transport might have for the behavior of travelers and the choices they make. This may have important consequences for instance for the use of stations of the North/South line.

Contact person for the city Amsterdam is dr. Barry Ubbels (department of Traffic and Public Space, mobility research). He is a transport economist and experienced in urban mobility behaviour and  economic evaluation of policy measures. Public transport is one of his areas of key expertise. Barry manages the cooperation with knowledge institutes in the mobility domain for Amsterdam, together with Stefan Verduin.