Fusion Facilities

The Fusion group is located in the Flux building at the Eindhoven University of Technology. We have several laboratories available that have the best equipment for studying and developing fusion technology. One of them, the Plasma Laboratory, is also used for training purposes.

Click here to read more about our main facilities:

  • PlasmaLab@TU/e: a hands-on plasma laboratory that is unique in the world
  • Optics Lab: an optical laboratory used for developing optical fusion diagnostics, development of real-time optical data analysis and plasma-surface interaction studies.
  • Microwave Lab: a microwave laboratory that can be used to study the behavior of microwaves, that can be used in diagnostics and heating.
  • Fusor: A Farnsworth-Hirsch fusion device that can be used a neutron source

Apart from these in-house facilities, we also have good links to practically every fusion lab on the globe, and our students do their research projects in international top groups.