Peter Urlings

Hi, my name is Peter Urlings. After completing my Bachelor of Physics at the University of Hasselt in Belgium, I have enrolled at the Applied Physics Master at the TU/e. My choice for the Fusion Master track was fairly easy: the challenge to create a new energy source and combine various fields of physics seemed most appealing.

I did my first fusion internship at the Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik (Greifswald, Germany) where investigated radio frequency wall conditioning at the WEGA stellarator.

Currently, I’m working on my graduation project at the Plasma Research Laboratory of the Australian National University. We are developing a brand new optical diagnostic to measure plasma conditions inside a burning hot fusion plasma. The experiments are shipped to and tested at the KSTAR tokamak in Korea. Needless to say, the international scope of fusion research has become very clear with these placements!