Josefine Proll

I’m Josefine Proll and I just joined the fusion group in January 2017 as a new tenure track assistant professor. Ever since I visited the then newly opened Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Greifswald, Germany - now home to Wendelstein 7-X, the most exciting fusion experiment operating in the world - at the age of 13 I knew I wanted to be involved in fusion research. Already my Bachelor project led me back to IPP Greifswald where it all started, and after an interlude at the British fusion lab CCFE near Oxford for my Master project I returned to IPP for my PhD. There I started working on one of the main challenges in all types of fusion devices: the understanding of turbulence. Especially stellarators, the twisted siblings of the axisymmetric fusion devices called tokamaks, have, thanks to the large 3D-configuration space, ample opportunity for optimisation. Wendelstein 7-X was already designed with an optimisation of the particle drifts in mind, but not turbulence. My work now here at TU/e focuses on understanding the instabilities driving turbulence and saturation mechanisms of turbulence to the extent that we can optimise stellarators also for reduced turbulent transport.